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Good images for your menu items and branding are a crucial part of the Foodi Menus experience. Presenting your dishes clearly is a huge driver of customer decision making, and it makes their dining experience much easier.


To get started with adding images, there are a few ways to upload them. The most direct way is to go to the “Media” section (1) in the menu. From there you just select Upload (2), and then Upload (3) again to access the images available on your device.

(1) The Media Section


(2) Upload New Media

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(3) Upload Interface

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Your Foodi menu also provides the ability to upload images in other areas, including when creating a new dish.

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When selecting images to upload, you can select one or more images at once, and then select open (4), and it will load those images for you to add to the media section. In the image below we have successfully added 16 images to be loaded into the Foodi platform, but we have also received an error message (5).

(4) Multi Image upload

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(5) Media Upload Error

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To be loaded into Foodi, images need to be less than 2MB in overall size. Extremely large or high quality images will not be accepted. We recommend primarily using images that are 500x500 pixels and less than 1MB in size.


Please note, the error for an image being too large will not list ALL of the images that are oversized, just the first one in the list. If you have removed the oversized image listed in the error message and there are still additional oversized images, you will continue to receive an error message until all of the oversized images are removed.


Once you have successfully uploaded your images to the database, it will look like this:

Screen Shot 2022-04-01 at 12.29.48 PM.png

It’s worth noting two things here:

1- The media section includes images for menu items as well as any other images you have. Restaurant logos and background images will also display here.

2- There is currently no reorder function for the media section. This may come up in later releases, but for now your images display in the order they are uploaded. If you upload multiple images at once, that batch will be in the order they were in in the folder they came from (e.g. alphabetically).

If you hover over an image with your mouse, you should see the “edit” and “delete” icons (6). Selecting delete will remove the photo from your media section. Selecting edit will take you into the zoom adjustment function (7). From here you can move the image around to shift the point of focus, and you can zoom in on the picture to change the overall display. When you are done adjusting the image, select “crop” and it will create the edited version of the image you began with.

(6) Edit/Delete Icons

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(7) Zoom Adjustments

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When you edit an image, it creates a new copy of the image, it does not replace it. If you want to remove the old image, you will have to delete the original.

If you delete an image and re-add it, it will need to be re-attributed to every dish where you want it to display. If you don’t re-attribute the image, the item will display as having no image and will display a default image.

If you have any more questions about using or managing images through Foodi Menus, please let us know. Enjoy!

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