enhance your tap room with foodi menus
boost guest turnover
Reduce the time guests spend making decisions with more comprehensive menus - improving table turnover and driving revenue!
Foodi Menus act like another body during a rush - answering guest questions before they get to the bar.
Menu images and QR code displays lead to more satisfied guests and more sales.

bring in more guests
Foodi Menus bring in 6x more customers than Google, Yelp, or Instagram ads. Our digital menus are designed to bring more people in the door - whether they see your menu on your website, social media, or anywhere else.
Replace static website displays and PDFs with visually-focused Foodi menus to improve your existing marketing efforts.
update menus in seconds
With Foodi Menus you can make updates to your tap list and food menus everywhere they're displayed, from anywhere.
Add new items in less than 2 minutes or remove menu items the second you sell out, all from your phone, tablet, or computer.